When u want to make a warcraft III map sometimes u want to color the item names or the player names in the multi- or leaderboards. This is realy easy to u just use these codes below to make the names change color. if you go advanced u can change the codes to create custom colors.
Like these codes. These don't exist in the color list above but they do exist when u know the codes. Gold FFFFD700
Black FF000000 WhiteFFFFFFFF Using these cosed will be a result for changing the Color. EXAMPLE:
I want to give my "Blasemaster" a red name in game. *Go to object editor *Select u'r unit (in my case the blademaster) *Go to "Text-Name" *Change the name "Blademaster" to |CFFFF0303Blademaster|r *Start u'r Warcraft III game and the name of the blademaster will appear like this "Blademaster"
Now u did it. If you realy want to go Advanced Go to this site All Colors
Where are Colors Used ?
Colors are used for basics. For messages, for hints, for quests, for spells, ... Here are some things u can do:
Notice: Orange
New unit / ally acquired: Light blue
Hint: Green
Target error / Tooltip hotkey: Yellow
Warning: Red